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Throughout my work, to me it has always been about expression, especially my paintings and my writings. Writing, drawing, painting are the three things I do mostly for myself. I have found that it a good stress reliever, also a good way for me to get out my anger and frustrations. But I also write, draw and paint when I am in good moods too.
My medium of choice is oil paints. Then I would have to say a number two pencil. I love oil painting, the control with the brushstrokes, the ability to go back and work after a few hours or even days and rework an area. Even without brushes I still have a blast painting with oils, using pallet knives or just the tubes of paints themselves make for an effective weapon versus the blank stare of a canvas.
I have found that because I am a student that I work much better outside of class. I seem to have better motivation when I am doing my ownprojects, but still like doing projects when I do not control the subject matter. There have been projects where I have had a lot of fun working on just because of the challenges the assignment presents. With class projects for me working in the classroom is a struggle. I just can’t seem to start right away and work effectively as I would like to. I get distracted by the total environment, the other students and in some classes the teacher talking too much during work time, things like that.
My peek period of time to be creative is around 2:00 in the morning. I am a night owl. I prefer working in the evening just because during that time I feel like I am really productive and really am most awake. I am sure that this will change. I am going to become an Art teacher and those work hours are more like 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. or 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. where I am forced to be awake earlier in the day.  I would really like to teach at a college one day, but I will probably start teaching in a high school first. 

any questions or comments please email me at blodgettj@uwstout.edu

photo of jay